1. Feeling or expressing happiness or satisfaction.
I’m Your Digital marketing swiss army knife
SEO, SEM and PPC, oh my!
Plus blogging, copywriting, social and more. If you need it, I can handle it.

My Sweet Spot
Yes, that’s a sports analogy
My sweet spot is small and medium businesses that need quality content and marketing services but can’t afford a full-time employee; or agencies that have too much work but aren’t quite ready to hire full-time. I’m looking to form long-term relationships with great companies with great people. So, if you think we might be a match, contact me!
Contented Musings
Demystifying Data Analytics: 8 Ways to Drive Marketing Success
In recent years, the marketing world has undergone a significant transformation, with data taking center stage. You don’t need to be a marketing expert to grasp its importance. This wealth of information provides a remarkable opportunity for marketers to harness the...
Bad Managers Should Take a Page from Good Social Media Practices.
I was in an office environment for many years and worked hard to be a good manager - and learn how to be a better one. Now I have my own business, and I’m at home every day, so I don’t have anyone to manage. It was hard at first, but I believed keeping my skills...
10 Ways to Leverage Search Engine Optimization to Improve Organic Web Traffic
Suppose you’ve been staring at your analytics dashboard, desperately hoping for a miracle spike in organic (unpaid) traffic. In that case, I’m here to tell you it’s not going to happen—at least not without a bit of search engine optimization (SEO) work on your part. A...
To the average business person, digital marketing may sometimes seem like a mishmash of meaningless acronyms: SEO, SEM, PPC, ROI, CTR… the list goes on. You may hear the most about three strategies when it comes to internet marketing: SEM, SEO and PPC. You may wonder,...
Case Closed: A Blog Can Bring Clients to Your Law Practice
With more than 30 movies, more than 270 episodes and more than 80 books and short stories, Perry Mason probably didn’t need a blog. It wouldn’t hurt, but he seemed to do all right on his own, with an impressive percentage of cases won in the 99 percent range. However,...
What Inbound Marketing and Fly-Fishing Have in Common
What’s the difference between traditional and inbound marketing? Traditional marketing is like trawling – you know, fishing by trailing a net through the water. When you trawl, you get fish, but you get a lot of other things too. Say you’re trawling for a specific...